For a week, from August 3rd to 7th, our team ran multiple tests of ISS Yachts in Biograd. There, at the Euronautic, leading yacht charter company, we checked all the scenarios in real-life conditions, under the careful eye of industry specialists. The most important conclusion from our visit to Croatia is that our tool is officially ready for a World Premiere!
ISS Yachts have already been used on several yachts by our early adopters. After collecting the feedback, we have made improvements that make our solution work outstanding in all conditions and meet the expectations of the most demanding users. It confirms the opinion of Katarina Vujević Babara, owner of Euronautic. – The system has made it possible to check the presence of equipment on the yacht in 2 minutes instead of 30. For us, this means significant savings, a guarantee of the safety of expensive items on boats, and more comfort for our customers, who are now waiting during the check-out for a shorter time. I am convinced that this innovative solution will be a revolution for the whole industry as it is for our company.
In September in selected marinas in Croatia, we will give you a chance to check for yourself the features of the Inventory Smart System for Yachts and to meet our team. The ISS Yachts Show will take place on September 21st to 25th in the marinas of Biograd and Trogir. There will be an opportunity to come for an open presentation as well as on individual meeting. Either way, we kindly ask you to register in advance here.