What is the advantage of implementing ISS Yachts?
The system simplifies the onerous process of checking charter boat equipment at check-out. It shortens the stocktake part to just a few minutes, automates it and reduces human error related issues. It improves the efficiency of inventory management and cuts staff costs.
How much does ISS Yachts shorten the stocktaking process?
A complete check at boat return takes up to a few hours. Scanning tagged objects can be done within minutes.
In case of a technical problem is support provided? If yes, how long does it take to get help
Our support team will respond within 24h after lodging an online notification.
How long does it take to get this system up and running?
The initial run requires the tags to be fixed to all relevant inventory components. This is also the best moment to set all default information (name, description, purpose, expiry date, location, boat name etc.). If you wish, an image of the item can be taken by the scanner built-in camera. In average it takes about a minute for each item. Any subsequent run takes as much as turning on a smartphone, approximately 1-2 minutes.
What is the life span of a RFID tag?
It depends on the type and purpose of a tag but it is fair to say that they last at least a few years. In many cases they last longer than the piece of equipment they are attached to.
What is the operating range of the system?
A small tag surrounded by metallic objects will have a relatively short range – 0,5 up to a few meters. A larger tag, on deck, can be easily scanned from as far as 5 to 8 meters.
What will happen if a tagged item will be relocated from one boat to another?
During the stocktake run on the source boat this item will be shown as missing, whereas the stocktake result on the “new boat” will display an “unknown” object. After expanding the details of this item, you will see on the scanner screen to which yacht (location) it was originally assigned.
What is the maximum quantity of tags I can use on one boat?
From our experience 80-100 tags are sufficient for one boat, but there are no system limitations. The sky is the limit.
Is the scanner capable of showing the location of any one given item?
Yes, it is. It uses the signal strength to show the approximate direction from which the signal is coming.
Is the scanner app capable of showing what items are missing?
Yes. Once the inventory list is set, the stocktake result will be run against it. You pick what result you want: all found or all missing items.